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NOVA Alternative School Wellness Program

Policy:  It is the policy of NOVA TC to provide an environment that promotes program member’s health, wellbeing, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.  Program members will be provided sufficient wellness opportunities and practices to promote the health of students that will instill habits of lifelong learning and health. 


Goals to Promote Student Wellness:  NOVA TC has established the following student wellness goals that are designed to promote student wellness in a manner that NOVA TC determines to be appropriate:

  • Nutrition Education implements a curriculum that meets or exceeds the health and nutrition education objectives established by the Nebraska Department of Education.
  • Physical Activity implements a curriculum that meets or exceeds the health and physical education objectives established by the Nebraska Department of Education.
  • Other School Activities offer other suitable opportunities for students to engage in health-promoting activities.

Nutrition Guidelines:  NOVA TC follows nutrition guidelines for all foods available in the building during the day with the objective of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity. The guidelines are as follows: 

  • Each program member carries a water bottle with them.  Water bottles are provided for free at during admissions into the PRTF.
  • School breakfast and lunch programs will be offered and meets or exceeds the requirements of federal and state law and regulatory authorities.
  • Program members eat breakfast daily.
  • A variety of fruits and vegetables are available.
  • Program members will have 30 full minutes for each meal, including snacks.
  • No foods in competition with the school lunch or breakfast program will be sold or otherwise made available to students anywhere on the premises during the period of one-half hour prior to the serving period for breakfast and lunch and lasting until one-half hour after the serving of breakfast and lunch.
  • Occasional snacks provided during school hours will be an approved snack supplied by the Dietary Department.  
  • Non-food and beverage items will be provided as awards and incentives during school.
  • A designated bulletin board in the cafeteria will be displayed promoting healthy eating, nutrition facts, overall wellness (including mental health) and exercise.  Youth and staff will manage the bulletin board, and will update the board monthly.
  • PE is held each school day for at least 45 minutes.
  • Program members engage in recreation at least five of seven days.
  • Visiting nurses’ group is held weekly to educate youth on healthy choices.
  • Parents or legal guardians will be provided the Nutrition Guidelines at intake. Parents are welcome to share their thoughts and participate in the development of goals. Nutrition Guidelines are posted in each cottage so staff may share their input. 
  • The Chief Executive Officer or designee will establish further nutrition guidelines as are determined appropriate and meet the stated mission.

Assurance for Reimbursable School Meals:  NOVA TC assures that guidelines for reimbursable school meals will not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of section 10 of the Child Nutrition Act (42 U.S.C. 1779) and sections 9(f)(1) and 17(a) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758(f)(1), 1766(a)), as those regulations and guidance apply to the District.

Plan for Measuring Implementation and Designation of Responsible Persons:  NOVA TC will measure implementation of the NOVA Alternative School Wellness Program Policy and Procedures by conducting periodic reviews of meal pattern requirements and programming to ensure the standards set forth in this policy are met.

Development of Policy and Procedures:  NOVA TC assures that development of the NOVA Alternative School Wellness Program Policy and Procedures involve parents, students, teachers, nurses, representatives of NOVA TC’s nutrition services department, NOVA TC Board of Directors, school administrators and the public.

School Wellness Triennial Assessment:  NOVA TC’s Wellness Committee will conduct a triennial assessment on NOVA TC’s School Wellness Program Procedures and compliance.  The following information will be assessed at each triennial assessment:

How will NOVA TC is doing with complying with the School Wellness Program Procedures.

How well NOVA TC is doing compared to the model local school wellness procedures.

How well NOVA TC is doing in reaching the goals established within the school wellness procedures.

Upon completion of the triennial assessment this will be posted on NOVA TC’s website under the School Wellness Policy tab. The assessment will also be provided to NOVA TC’s Management Team.

Marketing:  NOVA TC does not market or advertise any foods or beverages.